Who knew homeschooling would take on a whole new meaning? As parents, students, teachers, and staff continue to respond and transition to new ways of learning, many students from kindergarten to college are opting for distance learning. While that decision certainly presents a slate of challenges, we have a few handy tips to help keep your children actively engaged.
We long ago established during this time of COVID-19 that vacation rental homes can be a safe option for your family. And what better setting than our beautiful Holden Beach? Imagine our pristine, white sandy beaches; warm water; marsh, waterway, river, and ocean scenery; a subtropical climate with an amazing bonus summer season in the fall conducive to outdoor activities; and our friendly coastal community. And the convenience and ease of traveling to this family-friendly barrier island in southeastern North Carolina is just one more reason Holden Beach makes perfect sense for your distance learning location!

It All Starts with WiFi
Hobbs Realty understands that a solid, reliable internet connection has long been a basic requirement for our guests. That's why we've provided wireless internet as a standard amenity for all of our homes for years (unless otherwise noted in the property description). So you shouldn't miss a beat with your remote learning and working when you book your beach cottage with Hobbs Realty.
The Best Extended Educational Field Trip
What student doesn't love a good field trip? Our Hobbs Realty team lives, works, and plays here so we understand the rich heritage of our community. From fishing and the seafood industry, to bird-watching and marsh wildlife, to Holden Beach's proximity to lighthouses and historical villages and waterfronts, to the eight miles of shoreline and the ocean itself, to local shipwreck history, to our renowned turtle watches, there's a wealth of culture and history to be explored. Teachable moments surround us here, whether your student's curriculum includes science, NC history, creative arts, culinary studies, or certainly recess!

Peace & Quiet
Remember the days of taking a nap in kindergarten – on a mat or by laying your head on the desk? Distance learning and working present challenges of their own, including stress, screen overload, and the constant background noise of others.
Welcome to Holden Beach. You'll be hard-pressed to find another beach that remains as non-commercialized as ours. In fact, Holden Beach earned the distinction as America’s #1 Family Beach from Stephen P. Leatherman, Director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at Florida International University and was also ranked as the “Top Family Beach in the Country” by National Geographic Traveler Magazine. The safe, quiet environment is perfect for all ages, including families with young children.
You'll have no trouble spreading out in one of our spacious beach rentals to get your work done, once you complete your online assignments, you'll find “island time” is a real thing here. You can always tackle your inbox or reading requirements by poolside or under an umbrella with your toes in the sand. Or tie your raft to your canal home dock for your float-and-read session while multi-tasking on that tan.
A Change of Scenery
We all know that a change of scenery can do us a lot of good – physically, emotionally, and mentally. Our kids feel it, too. Discovering new work, learning, and study spaces at Holden Beach might be provide a whole new level of focus and inspiration – and motivation to get those assignments completed so you can get to the fun stuff waiting on the beach - and a whole new way of learning in our surroundings!
Gold-Star Students
You might remember getting that gold star from your piano instructor after a week of practicing extra hard, or on the chart in first grade when you had behaved well in class. Rewarding good behavior is often a productive part of parenting and teaching.
We know that distance learning and juggling work may require some major creativity on your part. These are challenging times for many of us – kids, parents, teachers, employers, employees, co-workers. So we might just need to rely on that tried-and-true method of the reward system. We encourage you to set those goals – completing that assignment, reading that chapter, solving those 10 math problems, responding to today's new emails, managing to sit quietly and still through that Google or Zoom class session – and reward yourselves for a job well done with a real “water break” by hitting the beach late morning or early afternoon and diving into those waves!

Favorite Subject: Recess
We all know that when well-meaning adults ask kids about their favorite subject, the answer is often recess. The stress-relieving benefits of taking time for “sabbath” - truly resting from the endless tasks of life - are also a popular topic these days. So, folks of all ages can have a true field day
on Holden Beach! Whether signing up for a surf session, fishing off the pier, taking a sunset water cruise, jet-skiing along the Lockwood Folly River, playing bocce ball in the sand, or enjoying 18 holes on a nearby golf course, recreational opportunities are endless on and around our island. Work hard... then play harder!
We realize many families are facing unique challenges during these unprecedented times. Our Hobbs Realty team would be honored to help you think through creative and healthy solutions to make the very most of this time together. Give us a call at (800) 655-3367 and together we'll explore the perfect beach rental and location for your family's needs, local places to explore, and the best resources for planning your distance learning experience at Holden Beach.