At Hobbs Realty, we want all our guests to have a relaxing vacation, and that means staying safe. These beach and ocean safety tips will help ensure your trip is full of happy memories!
The beaches on Holden Beach do not have lifeguards. Check with the Holden Beach Town Hall at (910) 842-6488 to see if rip tides are present on the day you plan to go swimming in the ocean. You can also check the daily rip tide report for the area, which is available from the NOAA Surf Zone Forecast. If you get caught in a rip tide that is pulling you away from shore, swim parallel to the shoreline until you get out of the current. DO NOT try to swim against the current back to shore.

- Check the ocean forecast and be aware that rip currents can still exist even on low-risk days. For more information about rip current forecasts, visit NOAA.
- In case of an emergency, dial 911.
- Bring your cell phone and know your exact location at the beach. Knowing your address and having a phone handy in an emergency will get the fastest response.
- Never swim alone and have someone on the shore watching you.
- Educate yourself and your family on rip currents.